In joining our community on Facebook, HILLS ZONE CHSSA follows the NSW Department of Education Code of Conduct and Facebook’s Community Standards.
Facebook Terms and Conditions state no one under the age of 13 years should have a Facebook profile. Therefore, any comments or page fans from primary students on the HILLS ZONE CHSSA page will be removed and, if warranted, users will be reported.
Tagging or naming student photos
For privacy and protection, please do not tag photos of children, and please do not name them in your comments, unless permissions is sought in writing. Tagging of parents or friends within the comment box is permitted with the understanding that all other rules of engagement are followed.
HILLS ZONE CHSSA encourages interaction from participants with the understanding that the individual schools involved do not endorse comments or wall postings made by visitors to the page.
We ask that visitors making comments on the page show respect for other users by ensuring discussions remain civil. Personal attacks, trolling or spam will not be tolerated.
We reserve the right to remove comments that do not adhere to the rules of engagement of the page and Facebook’s community standards including comments that are deemed: racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, spam, advocate illegal activity, are wildly off-topic, libel, incite, threaten or make personal character attacks on HILLS ZONE CHSSA students, employees, guests or other individuals.
We reserve the right to remove any participant that does not adhere to the rules of engagement or Facebook’s Community Standards.
Remember, your name and photo will be seen next to your comment, visible to all visitors to the page.
We will not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial, political or other ventures.
Moderation Hours
Hours of moderation will vary and cannot be guaranteed.
At this stage private messaging has been disabled, it is preferred that all correspondence is made through the individual schools involved.
Hills Zone Combined High School Sports Association